Alumni Spotlight

2024 Summer Program Counselor Q&A: Hank White ’22

August 14, 2024

Each summer, Forman School alumni return as Summer Program Counselors. We asked the 2024 alumni counselors about their goals, experiences, and how Forman prepared them for college. Hank White ’22 was among the alumni who came back to Forman, driven by his own experience as a student in the program. He also served as a Teacher Intern, gaining valuable experience in the classroom.  

Q: Why did you want to become a Forman Summer Program Counselor?

A: I became a Forman Summer Program Counselor because I have a deep love for the school, and I wanted to make a difference in these young kids' lives by teaching them the ideals and life lessons I learned here in my experience as a student.

Q: Did you attend the Forman Summer Program as a student? If so, what did you enjoy about the program?

A: I attended the Summer Program in 2020; however, it was very restricted due to COVID-19. Although, I still got a chance to work one-on-one with my teachers. The hands-on learning and teacher-student relationship is something I really enjoyed that the program offered.

Q: What were you looking forward to experiencing as a counselor?

A: I [was] looking forward to making strong relationships with students and being a positive role model for them.

Hank White ’22 interned in the classroom.
Q: Did you enjoy your time as a Teacher Intern? Can you describe that experience?

A: Coming into this internship, I had zero teaching experience and very little knowledge of how to conduct a class through teaching. Now, as my teaching internship comes to a close, I can say I've gained valuable insights into the teaching process and the ultimate steps and criteria for being an effective educator. Throughout this journey, I have had the pleasure of working alongside (Summer Program Teacher) Jeremy (Marchand), who has been a mentor and guide for me during this process. In addition, I've had the opportunity to be in the presence of some really bright young students who display very unique and authentic learning styles.

Q: Where do you go to college, and what are you studying?

A: I will be a rising junior at Lafayette College pursuing an Economics degree.

Q: How do you feel Forman prepared you for college and life after high school?

A: Being at Forman and living away from home has taught me independence and how to be responsible for myself. Additionally, Forman has provided the tools and skills that best suit my learning needs, which I carry with me every day in and out of the classroom. The school has given me the confidence to push through any waves of adversity that come my way.

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